A new and exciting approach to music bingo.

Bring your phones charged up because this is how you score your Bingo card!

Winners get gift certificates!  Candy!  Specials!  So much fun for the entire family.  First game of “bingo” starts at 6 and the first winner to get one line gets a special surprise!  2nd game (getting two lines of bingo) wins $5 gift certificate.  3rd game (blackout card) wins $15 gift certificate!  The Second Round of Bingo starts at 7 pm with same format as the 6:00 game.  You can come in at any time – and everyone at your table can play!  So many chances to win. Bring your kids and then you won’t mind if they stare at their phone the whole time – they are trying to yell B I N G O!


Dec 12 2024


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm